You've searched for: hydroponic

How to make Hydroponic Marijuana easy guide

...and Wilhelm Knop presented the solid technique of the soil-less cultivation which we know as hydroponics, or hydroponic cultivation. Hydroponic cultivation is wider than indoor marijuana, it extends as far as future farms by NASA on Mars. Hydroponic marijuana A...

Easy tricks on Cannabis Soil you apply for better yields

...extreme situation of water going through too easily is a hydroponic growing, a very different story. – Cannabis soil should be rather coarse and grainy, and you avoid the fine ground. The fine ground, which may seem rich, loose, and...

The List of Mistakes that Beginner Growers make

...– Playing with nutrients for your marijuana plants, and this includes building a hydroponic garden, ease your waiting too. May it be a harder way to learn and perfect your skills, however the “plants on steroids” (enforced nutrients) shall perform...

Making cheap organic Fertilizers for Cannabis

...dissolved, can be bad. Why does everybody say chemical fertilizers can damage the plant? – because of concentration, i.e. adding too much of it. What’s the strongest advantage of chemical fertilizers? – only this kind fits best for hydroponic, yay!...