You've searched for: Grow Weed

COB LED Light — Illustrated a closet or a grow-tent or whatever indoor growing space). One small COB led-light now shall give you all the same amount of light. COB led-light is simply convenient, and we at times pay for the convenience too. Think about,...

Common Cannabis Plant Problems: Seeds, Roots and Stems

...any problems with such a base of life will result in poor performance throughout the entire grow and finally affect the total yields. This is the common picture of cannabis seed we all know it well. The Ideal Seed The...

Pirates’ canting lingo, shiver me timbers!

...compound of marijuana) mimics anandamide and contracts the CB-receptors in the brain, this is why and how we get high, as of the discoveries performed by Dr. Raphael Mechoulam. So, nutmeg affects the levels of anadamide delivering the euphoric “happy...

Use Emoji keyboard for social media

...♥ weed and other lovely stuff, and especially when one takes its place inside a text it won’t ruin the formatting as of symbol’s height, color and style. Check upon how it appears in an example: MSc in math and...