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Use Emoji keyboard for social media

...why it fits the formatting nicely and inherits the color of the whole text. Yet another entry into this emoji “keyboard” worth mentioning is the so-called Star of Venus ✴ aka Ishtar, named after the goddess of love and war....

The List of Mistakes that Beginner Growers make

...plant seeds to have the Sun rolling over the sky in a 12 on 12 mode right when you need your future weed to flower. The very reason why some countries enjoy two harvests of marijuana per year. – The...

Delta-9 THC explained

...creativity to keep going! The software developers of this website, marketers, designers, and copywriters love toking as well. The whole world. Is Delta-9 THC addictive? It depends greatly on what you call “addictive”, but just… er… Everything is addictive: social...

Poems about weed and flowers injection of intellect, nor of creativity, it only stimulates the existing capabilities of the brain of a weed artist, who tokes. Apparently, many creators meet a Muse and amusement while being sober, others pursue love affairs for the same...