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Rastafari Beliefs and Practices

Rastafari do not say “we” for plurality. They grow their lingo out of the Jamaican Creole, which is a dialect of English itself. They wear dreadlocks, and worship the emperor Haile Selassie I, believing he is a true messiah and...

Marijuana in Colombia (2022 chart)

...this one is yet illegal), and Colombian marijuana, altogether demonstrate the outstanding farming skills and tecnology of the Colombian growers. While Colombian soil and the Colombian sun make the combination undeniably the best. Peace treaty with FARC The Revolutionary Armed...

Caryophyllene terpene is for Peppery taste in marijuana

Caryophyllene terpene is the only psychoactive terpene! It is responsible for the peppery herbal scent of marijuana, often described as an earthy taste and compared to rosemary or black pepper. Feeling weed as racy and spicy as you smoke most...

Anthocyanin in the buds, or Why Weed is Purple

...North, I felt better, they were yummy and with grandma’s cooking witchcraft. All we say herein is not a call to action, nor a promotion of weed, we make websites, we are not growing cure, and no grass. Weed on...