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Easy tricks on Cannabis Soil you apply for better yields

...use the existing materials to rule the nutrition for your marijuana plants. Any future buds start from soil: “You will find only what you bring in.” – Yoda. Ingredients for soil structure Which ingredients do you essentially bring in soil...

Pharaohs of Egypt tested positive on marijuana

...THC suggest an inhalation of marijuana or hashish, while cocaine and nicotine are found mostly in the liver, so the latter two were eaten as edible. Where, the nicotine must not be necessarily a tobacco because, for example, eating tomato...

Ancient Goddess of Love, the Aphrodite Star, and the planet Venus

...longer you dig into the myth, the more you find — endlessly — because Anahita, Ishtar, Aphrodite or Ana (let’s use her modern name for awhile) is the MOST CONTINUOUSLY WORSHIPED DEITY IN THE HUMANKIND HISTORY! Anahita as Love personified...

How to grow weed from clones

...good choice if you intend to use nutrients in the rooting solution. Otherwise, you can come up with regular clean water, you usually use. Into distilled water add a small amount of nutrient to reach 5.5 PH, then stop. Using...