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The Best Ways to Store Your Bud

Trying to keep your weed funky fresh? It’s important to consider where you are storing your stash, especially when dealing with larger quantities. Weed is like wine, it can get better with age, and keeping it in the right conditions...

Delta-9 THC explained of weed, just along with the general highness THC gifts to us. Boaters smoke weed, filmmakers definitely smoke weed, game designers, artists, poets, executive managers, and craftsmen — everyone smokes weed. Yeah, the latter two need a lot of...

Marijuana in Colombia (2022 chart)

...licence-givings, and other legal weed’s stuff ever since. For example, Jim Belushi invests in Colombian marijuana market, he runs a marijuana farm there. Drug-dealing image of the past plays a positive role for Colombia today Colombia bears a certain image...

To marijuana marketers: “It’s not the Wild West over there”, FTC says

...that marijuana products would treat unexisting sicknesses, including those marijuana does not treat so far, until such will be discovered or disapproved. The Official List of the approved claims about medical marijuana is on the official FTC website, just one...