You've searched for: why weed is purple

Mary Jane, a weed poem, mocking Robert Burns the personified marijuana seed. What a beautiful piece of art it would be, we decided and hit the road. We have voted the personified marijuana is Mary Jane (how else?), and in our marijuana ballad, she survives the hardship...

Caryophyllene terpene is for Peppery taste in marijuana

Caryophyllene terpene is the only psychoactive terpene! It is responsible for the peppery herbal scent of marijuana, often described as an earthy taste and compared to rosemary or black pepper. Feeling weed as racy and spicy as you smoke most...

When to cut a Bud

...always, this is a matter of taste, both literal taste and feeling the potency of marijuana, so don’t you be shy experimenting. There are other periods in the growing cycle when you can try cutting the marijuana plant. Maybe edibles...

The Best Ways to Store Your Bud

Trying to keep your weed funky fresh? It’s important to consider where you are storing your stash, especially when dealing with larger quantities. Weed is like wine, it can get better with age, and keeping it in the right conditions...