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How to make Hydroponic Marijuana easy guide

...delivered them along with water up the stem to buds and leaves. Hydroponic marijuana roots For a cannabis hydroponic system, we repeat the same idea of delivering nutrients to plants in enormous amounts but more thoughtfully. How to get started...

Anthocyanin in the buds, or Why Weed is Purple

...image below we have borrowed from @chewberto420, you can see the purple and a little bit red colors of anthocyanin in cannabis trichomes: Being a phenolic compound, Anthocyanin may also behave as the pro-oxidant, means numerous medical effects, and used...

Caryophyllene terpene is for Peppery taste in marijuana

...of its full name Delta-9-THC. Yet another (off-cannabis) example is carotene. As a word it is used in everyday speech, while the formal name of this compound required to build our skin and connective tissues is beta carotene or β-carotene....

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