You've searched for: weed numbers 420 and 710 surprisingly 421 too

What is 420, 421, and 710 all weed numbers

...What is 420? Explained The 420 number is the ‘unofficial’ international code for marijuana. The 420 number is often found as a part of weed brands and weed trademarks, recognized well among stoners worldwide. So, the demonization of marijuana is...

The List of Mistakes that Beginner Growers make

...the best quality if it is a street weed seed, but what shall make that weed so important is that it shall be your weed. What else do you need to know picking a random seed from street marijuana The...

Street names for weed in different countries

...for weed too. What they smoked was called cannabis, but marijuana landed in English as a nickname. The other traditional slang terms for weed are reefer, weed, dope, pot, grass, dank, loud, etc. Marijuana (international) Marijuana is an obvious combination...

How to make Cannabutter

...I cook marijuana skipping cannabutter at all? Yes, you can cook and eat decarboxylated (“decarbed”) marijuana without cannabutter. A good example is a weed smoothie containing no butter at all, or you can use decarbed marijuana as a spice for...