You've searched for: autofem seeds

Caryophyllene terpene is for Peppery taste in marijuana

Caryophyllene terpene is the only psychoactive terpene! It is responsible for the peppery herbal scent of marijuana, often described as an earthy taste and compared to rosemary or black pepper. Feeling weed as racy and spicy as you smoke most...

What are Terpenes

Weed in a pocket produces smell, the scent is strong and merciless, it spreads out, and identifies the bearer as a stoner. The aromas of plants are produced by terpenes, volatile chemical compounds, which are smells per se, terpenes deliver...

Anthocyanin in the buds, or Why Weed is Purple

When weed is purple color it means the anthocyanin pigment is present in the plant in significant amounts. Anthocyanin is a universal plant colorant responsible for red, purple, and blue colors, and evident in many fruits, vegetable, grains, flowers, and...