Use Emoji keyboard for social media

Use Emoji keyboard for social media

Emoji are the small pictures incorporated into text as colorful symbols, everyone knows. Iโ€™ve made this page to facilitate the pasting of emoji into social media networks. Anyone finding this humble time-saver handy is very welcome to bookmark and use the page.

โ€” Click on a button to copy emoji into clipboard ๐Ÿ‘

Long dash โ€” is important at times. I use it often, so it is in the list. The โ€œHeartโ€ is a classic (before emojiโ€™s era) html symbol for the hearts suit in playing cards. Good fit for I โ™ฅ steaks, I โ™ฅ weed and other lovely stuff, and especially when one takes its place inside a text it wonโ€™t ruin the formatting as of symbolโ€™s height, color and style. Check upon how it appears in an example:

MSc in math and Computer Science, I โ™ฅ Marijuana, I make websites HIGH ใƒ„ as the fundamental purpose to let cannabis websites be faster and better automated for e-commerce than all othersโ€”

Yah, the Japanese letter ใƒ„ is a letter too, while looking as a smiley it is not officially an emoji, that is why it fits the formatting nicely and inherits the color of the whole text. Yet another entry into this emoji โ€œkeyboardโ€ worth mentioning is the so-called Star of Venus โœด aka Ishtar, named after the goddess of love and war.

Sat, 30/Jun/18